Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Police Mountain Bike Patrol
Police Mountain Bike Patrol History Police Mountain Bike Patrols in the United States-The utilization of mountain bikes by law enforcement agencies has become more commonplace today than ever before. Local, state, and even federal agencies all utilize mountain bikes to so-me degree in their efforts to provide better service to the populations they serve.The birth of the modern utilization of mountain bikes by a law enforcement agency began in 1987 with the Seattle Police Department starting a bicycle patrol unit. The Seattle Police Department began their patrol in their downtown area due to traffic congestion, which caused a poor response time on the part of police officers. The bike patrol was an immediate success for the police in regards to the response time problem as well as presenting a positive image of officers to the public. Today, there are over 2,000 mountain bike patrol units across the country.The Utilization of Mountain Bikes by the Lafayette Police Department- Currently, the Lafayette City Police Department only utilizes mountain bikes during Festival Acadiens, Festival International, and during certain undercover operations conducted by the street level ACTION (Attacking Crime Through Involvement Of Neighborhoods) unit.Seattle Police Department
Saturday, November 23, 2019
World War Is Mitteleuropa
World War I's Mitteleuropa German for ‘Middle Europe’, there are a wide range of interpretations for Mitteleuropa, but chief among them was the German plan for an empire in central and eastern Europe that would have been created had Germany won the First World War. War Aims In September 1914, a few months after the start of World War I, German Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg created the ‘September Programme’ which, along with other documents, set out a grandiose plan for post-war Europe. It would be enacted if Germany was totally successful in the war, and at that point nothing was certain. A system called ‘Mitteleuropa’ would be created, an economic and customs union of central European lands that would be led by Germany (and to a lesser extent Austria-Hungary). As well as these two, Mitteleuropa would include German domination of Luxembourg, Belgium and their Channel Ports, the Baltic and Poland from Russia, and possibly France. There would be a sister body, Mittelafrika, in Africa, leading to German hegemony of both continents. That these war aims had to be invented after the war started is often used as a stick with which to beat the German command: they are chiefly blamed for starting the war and didn’t even know what t hey wanted beyond having threats from Russia and France removed. It’s unclear exactly how far the German people supported this dream, or how seriously it was taken. Indeed, the plan itself was allowed to fade as it became obvious the war would last a long time and may not be won by Germany at all. A variation emerged in 1915 when the Central Powers defeated Serbia and Germany proposed a Central European Federation be created, led by Germany, this time recognizing the needs of the war by placing all military forces under German command. Austria-Hungary was still strong enough to object and the plan again faded. Greed or Matching Others? Why did Germany aim for a Mitteleuropa? To Germany’s west were Britain and France, a pair of countries with a vast global empire. To the east was Russia, which had a land empire stretching to the Pacific. Germany was a new nation and had missed out as the rest of Europe had carved the world up between them. But Germany was an ambitious nation and wanted an empire too. When they looked around them, they had the hugely powerful France directly west, but between Germany and Russia were eastern European states that could form an empire. English language literature racistly considered a European conquest as worse than their own global conquests, and painted Mitteleuropa as significantly worse. Germany had mobilized millions of people and suffered millions of casualties; they tried to come up with war aims to match.In the end, we don’t know how far Mitteleuropa would have been created. It was dreamt up in a moment of chaos and action, but perhaps the Treaty of Brest-Lit ovsk with Russia in March 1918 is a clue, as this transferred a vast area of Eastern Europe to German control. It was their failure in the west that caused this infant empire to be erased.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discuss the ways in which recent work in areas related to Essay
Discuss the ways in which recent work in areas related to organisational theory have challenged or contributed to conventional understandings of the subject - Essay Example The persons working for a profitable organisation will receive rewards in the form of salaries. If it is a non profitable organisation like The Salvation Army then the rewards could simply be prestige, social interaction or just the satisfaction of helping others.. â€Å"An organisation is a group that makes up a legal entity which has boundaries, holds responsibilities to others, can be liable for all sorts of damages, and thus can be taken to court if they conduct their business in an inappropriate manner which goes against morals, has ill effects on individuals or other organisations†(Evan Sycamnias - Evolution of organisational theory). All groups are not organisations. Consider the case of a football or cricket team. Even though they form a group and work for a common aim to win the matches, they cannot be referred as an organisation. It can be considered as a sub group of an organisation, the football club. The goals of an organisation are difficult to define. From a sociological perspective we could think of organisations as providing services, generating wealth and providing infrastructure to the members of the society. The goals of organisations are multi- faceted and not readily amenable to definition. In order to make a group an organisation the group should follow certain criteria. The group should be properly registered under the government authorities who will provide them the registration codes and other details. An organisation is thus become a legal entity and will have certain responsibilities and duties which abide the by the laws and regulations of the country. Organisational culture can be defined as of the shared knowledge, values, and beliefs of the members of the organisation. Organisations can be of two types: Profitable and non profitable organisations. Multinational corporate companies or manufactures of certain product or services can be called as profitable organisations. Salvation Army, LTTE in Sri
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Learning disabilities are fatal in organization Essay
Learning disabilities are fatal in organization - Essay Example In these days, there are lots of methods and modes that are being catered to analyze and solve certain issues and problems. We can see this through theories and other set of explanations which sought to analyze and identify predicaments within our society and also to other fields of leaning like in the fields of natural sciences and health sciences. Because of these, they are now a wide scope of critical thinking which is good because it tends to shape our world to a competent and creative society - able to offer an effective solution thru competent analysis and creative thinking. In this paper, we will be dealing on one of the most brilliant ideas on how to attain and obtain as well, a productive and fruitful organization. It is brilliant because of its realistic approach which tends to directly oppose hindrances that could make an organization or company in its growth. As Senge (1990) would suggest, we should also focus on disabilities rather than always on the brighter or good sid e because this could also help us to find ways to prevent such crisis or other negative phenomenon in occurrence. Because if we could identify these co-called disabilities, we could find ways to stop it and deal with it ahead of time; whilst avoiding it to obstruct our company’s or organization’s progress. ... ive in our own way having a unique elucidation to overcome the predicaments that will threaten our organization or company’s advancement as well as its existence. Therefore, we shall be explicitly see those solutions suggested by Senge (1990) through looking at disabilities to have a keen idea of which would be to focus to attain maximum development and to have a fine sense to where would be the weak points and areas that could be the source of conflict or malfunctions. Because if we could identify this weakness or disabilities, it could be a source of strength in the future by improving this and diverting it to an asset – making our company transform and transcend to a better and more proficient to solutions. The Learning Disabilities In the article made by Douglas Cathon (2000), he mentioned there the seven disabilities introduced by Senge (1990). We shall be tackling those ones in this part and identify them to have a broader knowledge on the efficacy that it will br ought to the progression of the companies and/or organizations. First disability would be the â€Å"I am my position†(p. 5), that states that one of the impediment to attain development is because of the too much in depth to the mentality of one’s person to their job that it already become as part of their personality or their personal identity in their everyday living. In this sense, what would be the problem is the single minded thinking. This obstructs the chance for individual to attain more ideas as well as positive change by being stagnant of the status quo where we are into. We do not embrace new circumstances that would contribute to our own wellness and success. Also, it would limit individual to see their accountability and responsibility. They only focus on what they do and feel
Sunday, November 17, 2019
History of Christianity Essay Example for Free
History of Christianity Essay Both Christianity and Judaism came from the same God. Both Judaism and Christianity share the same Old Testament as our holy scriptures. The foundations of faith in God are rooted in the Old Testament, so also that of the Jews, for their history and their laws are all in the Old Testament. Moreover, the entire Old Testament was written by Jews. The New Testament was also written by Jews with the exception of Luke. Judaism is the name that men have attached to the formative stages of biblical faith (Old Testament) and Christianity is the name that men have attached to the completing stage of biblical faith (New Testament). Mojzes Swidler, 2002) Christianity as a religion was an offshoot of Judaism. It has been said that Judaism does not need Christianity to explain its existence, but Christianity needs Judaism both to explain its existence and what it believes. Hence, Christianity has also been termed historically as the Judeo-Christian faith. In the early years of the Christian faith, Christianity was regarded as just another sect of Judaism known as the sect of the Nazarenes. The early disciples and the 12 Apostles were all Jewish. Apostle Paul even took a Nazarite vow to prove to his critics that he was a Torah-observant Jew. The term Christians surfaced only in AD 42 when the disciples were first called that in Antioch. The term gradually was adopted to differentiate believing Jews from unbelieving Jews and over time, it became a separate identity altogether. †¦dont boast as if you were better than the branches! However, if you do boast, remember that you are not supporting the root (Israels forefathers), the root is supporting you (Church). (Neuhaus, 2001) The exact origins of the Jewish faith are hard to pinpoint, and most of what is known comes from the Torah, the five books that make up the Jewish holy text and are also part of the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. According to the Book of Genesis, the father of Judaism was a man called Abraham, who lived between about 2000 and 1500 BCE (Christianity and Islam also claim Abraham as an important religious figure). Abraham was born in Mesopotamia and later living in Egypt, was the first man according to Jewish religious texts, to promise to worship one god, Yahweh. Abraham spread this faith among his followers, and led them to settle in the land of Canaan. Abrahams grandson, Jacob, was renamed Israel by Yahweh, and he fathered twelve sons, who led what would come to be known as the twelve tribes of Israel. These Israelites, according to Judaisms religious teachings, were taken as slaves into Egypt, and led out of slavery by Moses. Moses was a Jewish Egyptian, who according to Jewish texts spoke directly to Yahweh. The freed Jewish slaves were recorded to have wandered for forty years in the desert of the Arabian Peninsula before settling back in the land of Canaan some time around 1200 BCE. One of the groups displaced by the establishment of Jewish kingdoms was a group called the Philistines. The Philistines called their lands by the name Palestine, a name for the lands once claimed by the Jews. The term Palestine came from the Roman Empire, which renamed the area as a punishment for a Jewish revolt against Roman rule around 135 CE. The term Palestine had long been favored by those who did not recognize the Jewish claim to the area. Perhaps as early as the fall of Judah in 586 BCE, Palestine became a term to deny the political claims Jews made in the region. From the fall of the early Jewish kingdoms, Jews lived as a minority population in Palestine and the Middle East at large. Depending on who exerted control over the region, and how stern they were about expressing that control, Jews experienced varying levels of freedom and persecution. Under the Persians, Jews were allowed to return to the region and to practice their religion freely, and were accorded a great deal of respect. During this time, Jews built a Second Temple on the site of the First, which had been destroyed by Babylonians. Under the Romans, however, they fared poorly. They were allowed to practice their religion, but were asked to declare their political allegiance to the Roman Empire. When Jews revolted against Roman rule in 66 CE, Roman troops ransacked the city of Jerusalem and destroyed the Jewish Second Temple. Conditions for Jews became even worse after the Jewish revolt of 135 CE, when Roman troops killed or enslaved thousands of Jews and destroyed numerous Jewish villages. Jews were forbidden to enter the holy city of Jerusalem, and thereafter the Jewish population was centered in the region called Galilee. The conditions experienced by these early Jews had a deep impact on their worldview. Jews expressed the feeling that only under Jewish rule would their rights, including access to their religious sites, be protected. This brought them into much conflict with other people living in the region. The Jews worship of a single god made theirs a minority religious viewpoint in the region during much of the rule of the Roman Empire, but the spread of Christianity, the religion created by the followers of Jesus Christ (c. 4 BCE–c. 29 CE), soon changed the religious balance. Jesus was a man of the Jewish faith who offered new interpretations of the role of God and the need for individuals to devote themselves to God. His teachings challenged some of the Jewish beliefs and often caused civil unrest that challenged Roman rule. Around 29 CE, Jesus was arrested by Jewish religious leaders who suggested that his teachings were disrespectful to God and were causing civil disobedience among his followers. Jesus was brought before a Roman governor in Palestine named Pontius Pilate who ordered the crucifixion of Jesus, a form of execution in which a person is nailed on a cross and left to die. According to Christian religious teaching, Jesus later rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, taking his place as the son of God. Most of the accounts of Jesus life and teachings are found in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Their exact historical accuracy has long been a source of disagreement. Whether or not the man Jesus actually existed in the way the Bible states, his followers believed that he was the son of God, sent to give a message to all mankind. They created a religion based on his teachings. Though it was based on the Jewish faith and claimed one god, Christianity stressed the role of personal salvation acquired through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as the son of God. It was, like Judaism, a monotheistic religion. Unlike Judaism, however, Christianity was an evangelical faith, which meant that its followers dedicated themselves to converting others to their faith. Over time, Christianity gained many followers who embraced the religions single god. Sometime around 312 CE the emperor Constantine, who ruled over what was then known as the Eastern Roman Empire (which controlled over half of the Middle East), embraced Christianity. Constantine proclaimed Christianity as the official religion of the empire, which later became known as the Byzantine Empire. The rise of Christianity dramatically changed the role of Palestine. Like Jews, Christians revered the holy places in Palestine, and especially in the city of Jerusalem. Christians also made holy places out of sites associated with the life and death of Jesus. But sharing holy sites did not necessarily mean that Jews and Christians got along. According to Charles Smith, editor of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Christians considered Jews to be rivals in Palestine, as well as a people who rejected Jesus as the savior sent by God. As a result, the Byzantines applied existing Roman laws limiting Jewish activities more rigorously and created new ordinances aimed at isolating the Jews. Though a monotheistic religion was now the dominant view, religion continued to be a source of conflict in the region. Christianity has one of the largest and most rapidly growing religious followings in Asia. The end of the Cold War and the Asian economic liberalization has encouraged both the flourishing of Christian evangelism and the rising prominence of Christianity in the public sector. There is a substantial shift in the balance of Christian populations from the North to the South. A few decades ago 70 percent of all evangelicals were in the â€Å"North,†primarily in the United States, today 70 percent are in the churches of the global South. The Catholic Church, which is projected to lose 20 million members in Europe in the first quarter of this century, will gain 100 million members in Africa, 50 million in Asia, and 140 million in Latin America. At the beginning of the 20th century, 81 percent of Christians were white. By the century’s end, that number was 45 percent.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Socialism and Irish Nationalism :: essays research papers
The 1913 Lockout was the culmination of several years of political organisation and agitation among the unskilled working class, carried out primarily through the Irish Transport Workers Union. The ITGWU had been founded by Larkin in 1909 specifically as a union of the unskilled, long deemed 'unorganisable' by the official trade union movement. The open militancy of the ITGWU was a new departure in the history of the Irish trade union movement and the organisation grew rapidly, from 4,000 members in 1911 to 10,000 by 1913. The ITGWU quickly came up against determined resistance from employers, the police and the British state. However some of the most vitriolic abuse and opposition to this manifestation of the independent organisation of the working class was expressed by Irish nationalist organisations, not only the official Irish Parliamentary (Home Rule) Party but also by the more 'radical' Sinn Fein movement led by Arthur Griffith. While James Connolly declared the indivisibility of the of the struggle for Irish independence from the fight for socialism he was essentially a lone voice whose ideology, based on the application of Marxist principles to the Irish situation, was a radical break from the previous two centuries of Irish nationalism which had laid the foundations for the collection of political beliefs that still dominate the discussion on the 'National Question'. Irish nationalism, as it developed in the 19th and early 20th centuries was an eclectic mixture of aspects of various political doctrines, not necessarily of Irish origin, which were gradually amalgamated in different forms by the groups who adopted a policy of Irish independence. In the 1890-1910 period at least four main nationalist organisations existed, these being the Irish Parliamentary Party, Sinn Fein, the Irish Republican Brotherhood and the Ancient Order of Hibernians. Around these a series organisations, some officially 'non political' had emerged such as the Gaelic Athletic Association, the Gaelic League and a number of bodies promoting cultural expression and the Gaelic revival. The genesis of what can be broadly termed as Irish Nationalism emerged from the ideals of the United Irishmen and the failed rebellion of 1798. All of the above organisations active in the early 20th Century claimed a heritage that stemmed from the radical ideas propounded by Wolfe Tone and his supporters in the 1790's, Sinn Fein and the IRB more so than the Irish Parliamentary Party or the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Faculty Competitiveness at a State University Essay
Not only that universities’ focus is onto students but also to each and every members of the state universities and from this, faculty members, staff and employees must be given due credit and importance for their worth helping each universities foster high quality education. PUP The University employs 1,483 full-time and part-time faculty members with a few of the full-time faculty holding administrative positions. There are 707 regular and casual administrative employees who provide support services to the University population. The faculty spend two-thirds of their time in teaching and one-third in research and extension activities. Awards Received: †¢It was recognized as a Centre for the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program, which allows the PUP to confer degrees on many professionals who have yet to obtain their baccalaureate degrees after enrolling in a non-traditional structure course of learning. †¢President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo proclaimed PUP as Philippine National Comprehensive University in 2004, during the university’s centennial. †¢The PUP has obtained recognition as a Centre for Development in the field of Information Technology from the Commission on Higher Education. †¢Named as the Virtual Centre for Technology Innovation by the Department of Science and Technology. †¢The university was deemed the First Cyber University IT Park in the Philippines by the Philippine Economic Zone Authority. †¢Ave Perez Jacob – Palanca Awardee, Writer †¢Domingo De Guzman, Lecturer – Palanca Awardee, Psychoanalyst UP Almost 26. 6 per cent of its faculty have doctorate degrees and 36. 2 per cent have master’s degrees. The rest are working on their graduate studies. Awards Received: †¢Dr. Caesar Saloma, Dean of the College of Science, UP Diliman was awarded the ASEAN Outstanding Scientist and Technologist Award. The awarding took place during the 8th ASEAN Science and Technology Week held in Manila on July 7, 2008. The award is given every three years. †¢Dr. Walden Bello, a professor of Sociology at UP Diliman, received the Outstanding Public Scholar Award for 2008 from the International Political Economy (IPE) Section of the International Studies Association (ISA). He is only the second person to receive the award, the first being Dr. Susan George of France in 2007. George wrote the book How the Other Half Dies, which deals with global hunger. Bello received the award on March 28, 2008 during the ISA’s 49th annual meeting in San Francisco, California. †¢Wayne Dell Manuel, a software developer at the National Telehealth Centre of the University of the Philippines, bested more than 700 other international contestants to win the Google Map Maker Global Competition. The contest encourages Google Map users from around the world to map universities, schools and hospitals to enable humanitarian organizations to navigate countries during times of crisis. ? †¢Lourdes Cruz, a professor at the Marine Science Institute of the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City is one of the recipients of the 2010 L’Oreal-UNESCO Awards in the Life Sciences, for discovering the use of snail toxins to study brain functions. She is one of five exceptional women scientists in the world to be awarded by the UNESCO on March 4, 2010, in Paris, France. †¢Filipino environmental advocate and UP College of Law professorial lecturer, Antonio Oposa Jr. was among the recipients of the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award for â€Å"his path breaking crusade to engage Filipinos in acts of enlightened citizenship that maximize the power of law to protect and nurture the environment for themselves, their children, and generations still to come. †Awarding ceremonies was held at the Cultural Center of the Philippines on Aug. 31, 2009. †¢Prof. Matthew M. Santamaria of the UP Asian Center was among the eight professors and students who made up the Philippine delegation to the Shanghai Theatre Expo 2009. The delegation, headed by Prof. Ricardo Abad of Ateneo de Manila University and Nick Lizaso of UNESCO ITI-Philippines, represented the country in the scheduled â€Å"Theme Workshops. ††¢Distinguished writer and UP professor Jose â€Å"Butch†Dalisay Jr. became the first Filipino to participate in the PENÃ'Ž World Voices Festival of International Literature, a gathering of about 160 writers from more than 50 countries, held from April 27 to May 3, 2009. EARIST EARIST in its 10 colleges consists of 400 faculty members and staffs. 350,000 Alumni members are presently working in the different fields of discipline all over the world with special mention; in the USA, Europe, Asian countries, and in the Philippines as Government Officials such as; Secretary, Deputy Secretary in the Philippine Cabinet, Senate, member of the Congress, etc. Recognition: †¢Baccalaureate College for Liberal Arts †¢Comprehensive Teaching and Baccalaureate University Level II †¢Graduate Capable HEI’s Level III †¢(Results of the CARNEGIE 2003 Classification Evaluation on the Typology of Philippine Higher Education) †¢Awarded Level II Status in the fourteen Degrees Programs (Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines) †¢Rated SUC Level II by CHED-DBM-PASUC Leveling EvaluationÃ'Ž SOURCES: http://www. pup. edu. ph/academic/colleges. asp â€Å"UP employee wins Google map contest,†Manila Standard Today, March 3, 2010. â€Å"Science prof chosen for UNESCO award in the life sciences,†Philippine Star, October 25, 2009. â€Å"Environmentalist wins Ramon Magsaysay Award,†Manila Standard Today, August 4, 2009. Manila Bulletin, June 5, 2009. â€Å"First Filipino in PEN World Voices Festival in New York,†Manila Bulletin, May 23, 2009.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Sally Jameson
To: Prof. Chalmers From: Travis Ramme and Meghan Smith Date: April 26th, 2007 Re: Ms. Chalmers’ Compensation Choices 1. Ignoring taxation and other constraints, Ms. Jameson is better off taking the options. The stock currently trading at $18. 75 and the exercise price is $35. This may seem drastically far away. However, 5 year T-Bill rates are currently at 6. 02%. Combined with a current stock volatility of approximately 42%, this allows each option to be valued at approximately $4. 93. At this amount, Ms. Jameson’s options would be presently worth $14,790 were she to sell them. Where she to hold them instead, Ms. Jameson’s potential upside is limitless. Her possible gains would be equal to her number of options multiplied by the difference between the stock price and her exercise price of $35, assuming that the stock price is higher than $35. There is risk involved, however. If Ms. Jameson decides to hold onto the options and not sell them, it would be possible for her to earn nothing. If the stocks price where to stay below $35 dollars, Ms. Jameson’s options would be worth nothing. Comparatively, the $5000 cash bonus, where it to be invested over the 5 years at the risk free rate of 6. 02%, would yield only $6697. 44. 2. If Ms. Jameson was not allowed to sell her options before the allotted 5 years, the choice to take the options would have much more inherent risk. The current value of the options is derived from their market value. This market value means nothing if Ms. Jameson cannot sell the options. If this where the case, Ms. Jameson’s potential profits would be created solely by the Telstar stock rising to a price that was greater than $35 by the end of 5 years. In fact, to equal the $6697. 44 value of the bonus she could have chosen instead, the stock would have to reach a price of at least $37. 23. This value would allow the 3000 options to be exercised for a profit of $6697. 44. This, however, is ignoring the fact that Ms. Jameson would have to pay taxes and transaction fees. If Ms. Jameson was not allowed to sell her options, she should choose the $5000 up front bonus. It represents a less risky asset. 3. Companies are often inclined to use stock options to compensate employees rather than exhausting cash flow. It does not directly cost a company anything in terms of â€Å"accounting costs. †There is, however, an implied economic cost equal to that of outside investors’ costs. The cost of a stock option is more or less a perceived cost, as the true value is not concrete and is virtually unknown at the time of issuance. This is due to the length of the option and specified strike price being of possible value at expiration date. The current value of an option is dependent on the performance of the company and its stock price, that is, in the future. Executive stock options help align an executive employee’s monetary compensation with both individual performance and the overall performance of the firm. In this sense, an executive is encouraged to act in the best interests of the firm and to also to take some risks to grow the company in which they work for and thus, increase the company’s stock prices. Stock options are an effective way to correlate performance and compensation, but mainly only for employees that are in positions that can have an affect on the company’s performance. Employees in executive, decision-making positions have the ability to impact the profitability and growth of the organization, whereas administrative assistant positions would not be as likely to improve performance due to being compensated with stock options. Companies could better individualize compensation packages for different positions. Executive positions fit the stock options benefit plan while administrative assistants may prefer stock purchasing rights rather than options. Other employees that fall somewhere in the middle would be better suited for a combination of monetary compensation, stock options and stock in the firm. In addition, stock options with a lessened length of time to the expiration date may prove to drive option-holding employees to set short-term, achievable goals. Employees would be given successive stock options to promote their care for the company without feeling as though they are being forced to stay with the organization. This set up of granting stock options would also help to encourage performance of employees to lead to both the short and long term success of the firm. . If Ms. Jameson decided that the option was a better deal, but was concerned with being too committed and reliant on the fortunes of Telstar, she could modify her compensation package to better suit her individual needs. Ms. Jameson would be taking considerable risk by keeping all of her bonus in Telstar for stock options with such a lengthy expiration date a nd also due to the historical data of Telstar showing that only stock prices reached $35 (the exercise price) only once. Instead of holding on to all 3,000 issued stock options, Ms. Jameson could keep a portion of the stock options and trade some in the market. Keeping some Telstar stock options would help keep her tied to the company without making her feel that she is bound to the company for the next five years or that she is facing enormous risk of losing her bonus altogether. By doing this, Ms. Jameson would provide herself with the opportunity to make investments outside of Telstar, and thus, better diversify her investments.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Money Matters Essays
Money Matters Essays Money Matters Essay Money Matters Essay Even though more than four decades had passed, the reaction is an understandably common one: panic and fear. Yet it can be argued that those who experienced the earthquake in 1989 were in a much better position in the aftermath of the disaster. The Stanford News reported that, Stanford survived its second major earthquake with far less destruction than was wrought in 1906, when two persons died and press reports implied that the campus was in total ruin []. In 1989, there were no deaths or major injuries on campus, despite a student population more than eight times what it was in 1906 and the fact that the temblor hit at the end of a busy workday. Certainly the 06 quake was far more powerful. Now estimated at 8. 3 on the Richter scale-a means not available at the time-it released at least 30 times more energy and generated at least 10 times more ground motion than the quake of 89 (24 Oct. 1989 1). Not only the fact that no lives were lost in the Loma Prieta earthquake come as welcome news, but the business of the university also resumed almost immediately afterwards. The earthquake took place on Tuesday evening, but by Thursday, classes were already being held, albeit in makeshift classrooms and at different times. Compare that to the previously stated fact that classes as well as graduation had been postponed outright in the 1906 earthquake to be held in August of the same year. Even though the latter class, at least superficially, walked away with much less bruising physically, the economic situation that the disaster put the university in was anything but secure. The value of property lost was described by the Stanford News: If all goes according to plan, the University eventually may spend $171. 5 million to recover from the Oct. 17 earthquake. Plans reported to the Administrative Council and the Board of Trustees in early February call for a basic program of must repairs and legally required seismic strengthening totaling $134 million. Another $37. 5 million may be spent for repairs and building improvements that are considered optional (13 Feb. 1990 2). The amount of $171. 5 million is of course much more than the $39 million dollars (adjusted for inflation) that was lost on the original earthquake of 1906. Of course this can be attributed to the fact that in those 83 years, the university had expanded quite considerably and invested much more funds into its infrastructure and buildings, but both time frames were still faced with the question of How do we pay for this?
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Best IB Chemistry Study Guide and Notes for SL/HL SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips IB Chemistry may not be quite as easy as this penguin makes it seems. So to help you out, I have compiled the best FREE online IB Chemistry Study Guides and Notes into one helpful article. I've organized this IB Chemistry Study Guide using the order laid out in the IB Chemistry Syllabus. How to Use This IB Chemistry Study Guide If there is one specific topic that you need more help with, use the Command + F function on your computer to search this guide for that subject. So, if you hope to read about The Mole Concept, use Command + F to bring up the search function. Type in â€Å"Mole Concept†and it will bring up all of the study materials for The Mole Concept. If you are looking for summary material to help you study for the IB Chemistry papers, check out the Overall Reviews section for great overall study resources. I've listed the notes and guides by topic. You should glance at this article during the school year to help you study for in-class tests and quizzes if you need more assistance or if you struggled to understand certain lectures in your IB Chemistry course. If you want additional help, read our article on the best IB Chemistry books to find additional study resources. You should be learning the material over the course of the school year and not cramming right before the IB Chemistry papers. Want to get better grades and test scores? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. Common Errors IB Chemistry Students Make When Studying Many students struggle with IB Chemistry SL/HL. There are so many subjects to learn, and you cannot fall behind. You need to be learning during the school year in order to ace the IB Chemistry papers. Common errors students make when studying are: #1: Avoiding the topics you didn't fully comprehend in class. If you did not learn it in the classroom, you need to seek additional assistance whether through this IB Chemistry study guide, IB Chemistry books, or through tutoring. #2: Only studying a week or two before the IB Chemistry Exam. There are way too many topics to master in only a week or two (which is why the course is taught over one to two years). So, master the subjects as you learn them in class. Use this study guide if you need more help comprehending the topics you cover in class. Otherwise, you will be as nervous as this kid during the test. Core- 95 hours for SL and HL Both IB Chemistry SL and HL have the same core requirements. They consist of 95 hours and cover the topics listed below. Topic 1: Stoichiometric Relationships- 13.5 hours for SL and HL Notes on Mole Concept and Avogadro’s Constant Notes on all of Stoichiometry Stoichiometry Videos and Notes 1.1: Introduction to the particulate nature of matter and chemical change notes 1.2: Mole concept notes 1.3: Reacting masses and volumes notes Topic 2: Atomic Structure- 6 hours for SL and HL Notes on Atomic Theory Atomic Structure Videos and Notes 2.1: Nuclear atom notes 2.2: Electron configuration notes Topic 3: Periodicity- 6 hours for SL and HL Notes on Periodicity Periodicity Videos and Notes 3.1: Periodic table notes 3.2: Periodic trends notes Topic 4: Chemical bonding and structure- 13.5 hours for SL and HL Notes on Bonding Bonding Videos and Notes 4.1: Ionic bonding and structure notes 4.2: Covalent bonding notes 4.3: Covalent structures notes 4.4: Intermolecular forces notes 4.5: Metallic bonding notes Topic 5: Energetics/Thermochemistry- 9 hours for SL and HL Notes on Energetics Energetics Videos and Notes 5.1: Measuring energy changes notes 5.2: Hess's Law notes 5.3: Bond enthalpies Topic 6: Chemical Kinetics- 7 hours for SL and HL Notes on Kinetics Kinetics Videos and Notes 6.1: Collision theory and rates of reaction Topic 7: Equilibrium- 4.5 hours for SL and HL Notes on Equilibrium Equilibrium Study Guide Equilibrium Videos and Notes 7.1: Equilibrium notes Topic 8: Acids and Bases- 6.5 hours for SL and HL Notes on Acids and Bases Acids and Bases Study Guide Acids and Bases Videos and Notes 8.1: Theory of acids and bases notes 8.2: Properties of acids and bases notes 8.3: The pH scale notes 8.4: Strong and weak acids and bases notes 8.5: Acid deposition notes Topic 9: Redox Processes- 8 hours for SL and HL Oxidation and Reduction Study Guide Redox Processes Videos and Notes 9.1: Oxidation and reduction notes 9.2: Electrochemical cells notes Topic 10: Organic Chemistry- hours for SL and HL Organic Chemistry Study Guide Organic Chemistry Videos and Notes 10.1: Fundamentals of organic chemistry notes 10.2: Functional group chemistry notes Topic : Measurement and Data Processing- 10 hours for SL and HL Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds Study Guide Measurement Videos and Notes .1: Uncertainties and errors in measurements and results notes .2: Graphical techniques notes .3: Spectroscopic identification of organic compounds notes Additional Higher Level (AHL)- 60 hours for HL You will only study the ten topics listed below if you're in IB Chemistry HL; the standard level doesn't cover these topics. Topic 12: Atomic Structure- 2 hours Atomic Structure Study Guide 12.1: Electrons in atoms notes Topic 13: The Periodic Table: Transition Metals- 4 hours Periodic Table Study Guide 13.1: First row d-block elements notes 13.2: Coloured complexes notes Topic 14: Chemical Bonding and Structure- 7 hours Chemical Bonding and Structure Notes 14.1: Covalent bonding and electron domain and molecular geometrics notes 14.2: Hybridization notes Topic 15: Energetics/Thermochemistry- 7 hours Notes on Energetics 15.1: Energy cycles notes 15.2: Entropy and spontaneity notes Topic 16: Chemical Kinetics- 6 hours Videos on Chemical Kinetics 16.1: Rate expression and reaction mechanism notes 16.2: Activation energy notes Okay, you may not get to do this. Topic 17: Equilibrium- 4 hours Notes on Equilibrium 17.1: Equilibrium law notes Topic 18: Acids and Bases- 10 hours Notes on Acids and Bases 18.1: Lewis acids and bases notes 18.2: Calculations involving acids and bases notes 18.3: pH curves notes Topic 19: Redox Processes- 6 hours Notes on Oxidation and Reduction 19.1: Electrochemical cells notes Topic 20: Organic Chemistry- 12 hours Notes on Stereoisomerism 20.1: Types of organic reactions notes 20.2: Synthetic routes notes 20.3: Stereoisomerism Topic 21: Measurement and Analysis- 2 hours Videos on Measurement and Data Processing 21.1: Spectroscopic identification of organic compounds notes Option- 15 hours for SL and 25 hours for HL Unfortunately, there are no free online study guides for the options, but look at our article on IB Chemistry books to find books that review the options topics. Overall IB Chemistry Reviews IB Chemistry HL 31 Common Mistakes: Richard Thornley, the author of this video, has several other helpful videos on IB Chemistry SL and HL available for free on YouTube IB Chemistry Web: This site goes over the syllabus in-depth and explains key definitions and facts you need to know. What’s Next? Want more of a review of what you'll learn in IB Chemistry? Then check out our in-depth guide to the IB Chemistry syllabus: SL and HL and our tips on balancing chemical equations. A prep book can be an extremely useful study tool. Learn which are the best IB Chemistry textbooks by reading our guide. How much do you know about the chemical properties of everyday things? Discover how to use muriatic acid to remove rust from your pots and pans and the effect of adding and removing certain ingredients to create the ultimate slime. Are you hoping to squeeze in some extra IB classes? Learn about the IB courses offered online. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Inserting Foley Catheters and Infection risks involved with them Essay
Inserting Foley Catheters and Infection risks involved with them - Essay Example These considerations are based on evidence based practice (EBP) and associated with reduction of CAUTI risks and incidences in short term indwelling catheter patients. They include; educating staff on catheter management and monitoring of CAUTI incidences on regular basis, programs for prompt removal of catheters, cleansing of urethral meatus using perineal cleansers and maintenance of closed drainage system for urine. Introduction Self actualization is an important aspect of Maslow’s need theory which forms a central part of humanistic philosophy. This theory delineates self actualization which is the driving force behind reaching full potential and tantamount to self fulfillment. When basic and essential needs have been met, an individual moves to become self-actualized through doing what they are supposed to do. In the nursing context, this theory comes to life when nurses initiate the process of patient caring by using curative factors. By exploring self belief and utiliza tion of caring processes, nurses usually achieve self actualization for themselves as well as their clients. In Foley catheter insertion, Maslow’s theory is important in that it allows the application of nurses’ education to cater for the medical needs of their patients. ... Feedback by staff with regards to CAUTI prevention is very important coupled with principles of catheter care (Tenke, Kovacs, Johansen, et al., 2008; Trautner, 2010). Catheter Insertion and Removal There is mixed evidence that prompt programs for the insertion and removal of catheters can lead to reduction of CAUTI. However, a successful program needs to have different elements such as having a multidisciplinary team (nursing and medication). A team to control infection is important for catheter removal after 3-4 days. Besides these two, staffs also need to be educated about feedback of results and prompt removal of catheters (Trautner, 2010). Sterile Insertion of Catheter Evidence suggests that aseptic techniques such as use of sterile gloves, perineal washing and no touch techniques of insertion may very little influence on CAUTI and bacteriuria during or after indwelling catheter insertion. The use of aseptic techniques is often recommended as category II (Tenke, Kovacs, Johansen, et al., 2008; Willson, Wilde, Webb, et al., 2009). Routine Urethral Meatus Care EBP suggests that undertaking of meatal care by use of ointments or antiseptic cleansers should be part of genital and perineal care. Other studies have come with a contrasting opinion that shows the use of antiseptic agents may increase colonization of the meatal by bacteriuria which may increase CAUTI risk (Tenke, Kovacs, Johansen, et al., 2008; Trautner, 2010). Catheter Securement Apparatus Securement devices have little or no influence on development of CAUTI risks. However, further studies and research are needed on ability of securement apparatus to minimize CAUTI risks and urethral trauma (Tenke, Kovacs, Johansen, et al., 2008). Closed
Friday, November 1, 2019
Fleet planing (AVIATION) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Fleet planing (AVIATION) - Assignment Example It is imperative to note that the long- haul journey of fleet replacement by the New American Airways started back in 2009, when the company ordered 84 next- generation Boeing 737-800s. More over, it ordered 35 airbus A320 family aircraft from the long- time Boeing customer, which were to be delivered in 2011.The fleet replacement was intended to reduce the use of the MD80 aircraft, which were expensive in fuel consumption. This study establishes that, the new fleet replacement from the Boeing added up 35% reduction in fuel consumption on a seat mile. It is noteworthy that, the Boeing 737-800s is the epicenter of the airline’s long-haul fleet; it has with nearly 100 examples in service (New American Airways, 2009). The magnitude of operations makes the American Airways the leading operator in the world. Although the American airways operate a large Boeing fleet, it operates aircrafts from other manufacturers. The following analysis indicates the British American Airways fleet in 2011 (British American Airways, 2012). Look at the forecasts on the Boeing and Airbus web sites and any other sources you think useful. Interpolate the forecasts, as necessary, for the years to 2016 and adjust them by your own calculations and judgment. Explain why you have chosen the growth rates you use. The Market for Large Commercial Jet Transports released by the Forecast Internationals projects that 14,655 large commercial airliners will be produced in the 10-year within the period from 2012 to 2021 (Ottaway, Susan & Ian, 2007). The market research based at Connecticut approximates the value of this fabrication at $2.04 trillion in constant 2012 U.S. dollars. It is notable that, the two leading manufacturers in the market, Airbus and Boeing, are implementing production increases. They are taking into consideration ancillary increases for the future. However, establishing
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